Friday, November 27, 2015

America's Biggest Mistake

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Veterans Earned Their Benefits

Pitiful: Look What Pretty-boy Brad Pitt Lectures American People on

"Pretty-boy actor Brad Pitt is lecturing the American people to stop being so closed-minded about the foreigners in their panic after the Paris attacks. Americans somehow think they’re an island of xenophopic egotists.
“Don’t be so emotional,” he cautioned. “Don’t see the world from our own backyard. Understand everyone has self-interest and that we are now in a community. We are not an island and we don’t always know best so let’s check ourselves.”


Sunday, November 22, 2015

Karla Jacinto victims of human trafficking in the sex 43 200 claims Mexi...

Against Refugees not Totally About Religion

The democrats keep screaming the only reason we’re against bringing refugees here is about religion. I admit that is part of it along with most of these people were raised to hate us. The safety of our homes, our families, should be every American’s first and foremost concern. However there is another reason I’m against bringing refugees here and this has nothing directed directly toward the refugees. It’s about where we are as a country at the present moment. I don’t know statistics but I do have common sense. We have veterans men and women that have given their bodies, their minds and, too many, their lives to the protection of our country. Oh and we could argue about the fighting and the wars but that’s not a soldiers’ fault, the soldiers do what they are ordered, whole other debate. These men and women are fighting a whole other war when they return home; their healthcare, their recovery from how the fighting affected them; mind and body. Many are living on the streets. I’m so ashamed of a country that cares more about another country’s issues than our own. We are not the world’s police nor are we responsible for rescuing. Our government has succeeded turning us against each other, succeeded in making our police officers an enemy and succeeded in harping so hard on political correctness that it’s made everything offensive. Grown up, put down the sippy cups and act like an adult with some COMMON SENSE! We have to save ourselves before we can save anyone else.

#NoSyrianRefugees #CommonSense #AmericaFirst 

Obama Made A DESPERATE Call To 34 Governors... Here's Why He Doesn't Want You To Know About It

Obama Made A DESPERATE Call To 34 Governors... Here's Why He Doesn't Want You To Know About It

"Obama knows how the people feel about this issue, but he continues to defy them. He refuses to place a moratorium on his plan to resettle refugees, putting his agenda before the safety of this country — and everybody knows it."

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