Friday, November 13, 2015

My Mind's Mischief: Pseudotumor Cerebri « Doctor Hoang's Straight Talk...

My Mind's Mischief: Pseudotumor Cerebri « Doctor Hoang's Straight Talk...:

This is a blog entry from Doctor Hoang's Blog on Word Press 3 years ago. I'm sharing this blog entry again to try raise awareness of an illness no one has heard about. After four years of pain and spinal taps every three months, two years ago I found a doctor that did a spinal tap and prescribed a medication that has worked until three months ago. For those that want to understand, here's the information. ‪#‎PseudotumorCerebri‬ ‪#‎IIH‬ ‪#‎pain‬ ‪#‎awareness‬‪#‎YouDontLookSick‬

"Safe Space" Students Silence Asian Woman For Saying "Black People Can Be Racist" - YouTube

Of course they dismiss her, she isn’t part of the “Major” narrative. She’s bringing prejudice to Asians to light and the black students dismiss her. Her pain is just as important as any of them. The “Black” movement is only acknowledging the so called wrongs to them and everyone else is on their own. Hypocrites! 
I am so sick of hearing about the “White Privileged”! I grew up at the bottom scale of the Middle Class. I have no idea what “White Privilege” is. I am so tired of being accused of being racist because of the color of my skin. I DO NOT owe anyone anything nor does anyone owe me anything. 
I am not saying that racism doesn’t exist, I know it does. But its not just the whites holding racism, the blacks hold racism just as bad. The lady in this video is correct, we need stop looking at the color of someone’s skin and look at what is in their heart. If you judge a book by its cover you will never know the story within!
The Political Correctness in this country is killing this country. People need to stop being so thin skinned whiners. Just because you’re offended doesn’t mean you have the right to stifle someone else’s freedoms!

"Safe Space" Students Silence Asian Woman For Saying "Black People Can Be Racist" - YouTube

30 Days of Thankfulness Day 13

30 Days of Thankfulness
Day 13: I'm thankful for two important people in my life born on this day, my brother, Jason Corder​ and a very close friend Angie Choate Greene​. These two people have touched my life in remarkable ways. Thank you both for being the people you are!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

30 Days of Thankfulness Day 12

30 Days of Thankfulness
Day 12: I'm thankful for my kids. They keep me on my toes, my nerves on edge and make me the happiest person in the world. They have made my life worth living.

Education for Liberals

So Let Me Get This Straight

Warped Priorities

Now Git

NAACP Founded by Republicans

Veterans Come First

Felony vs Politics

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Target catches heat for 'Obsessive Christmas Disorder' sweater -

I have OCD and I think the shirt is hilarious! I would buy it because I do have an Obsessive Christmas Disorder, I love Christmas! People need stop being so soft skinned and overly sensitive! Political Correctness is killing our country! If you don't like it, DON'T BUY IT, don't even look at it!

Target catches heat for 'Obsessive Christmas Disorder' sweater -

30 Days of Thankfulness Day 11

30 Days Of Thankfulness
Day 11: Today I am thankful for those who answer the call to fight for our country. Today is Veterans Day but every day should be Veterans Day. They have fought, come home, suffered from physical and mental injuries and shouldn't need 1 day for us show them our appreciation. Thank you Veterans for your services!

Obama to Troops: Bibles And Christmas Cards Are Out – But This Is Ok?

"The order comes at a time when military regulations ban Bibles, the wearing of crosses or other religiously theme jewelry and even Christmas cards from home. If these items appear in parcels or packages sent to U.S. military personnel, they will be confiscated."

This is infuriating! Our service members aren’t allowed to have Bibles, even Christmas cards? This is blatant disregard to the First Amendment that applies not only to the people but our Service Men and Women as well!
The Bill of Rights
Amendment 1
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
How can this joke of a president take away what most Service Men and Women the motivation to stay strong, to fight harder, and to be the best soldiers than can be? 

Obama to Troops: Bibles And Christmas Cards Are Out – But This Is Ok?

Happy Veterans Day

“How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes!” —Maya Angelou

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

30 Days of Thankfulness Day 10

30 Days of Thankfulness
Day 10: I am so thankful for the sun peeping through my dining room window! After what seems like forever of gloom and rain, the sun is so glorious! Thank you Father for the sunshine!

BREAKING: Look WHO Was Just Discovered on a Boat Full of Muslim "Refugees"

 WAKE UP PEOPLE! The fate of our country, our children, our future hangs in the balance! This one move could destroy life as we know it! Our joke for a president does not care about this country or the people in it except for the immigrants and the muslims! We have to make a stand now, before it's too late. He wants to take our guns, bring refugees; sounds like a set up to me!

BREAKING: Look WHO Was Just Discovered on a Boat Full of Muslim "Refugees"

Liberals Defy The Law Of Reality...Start An All Out ATTACK On Our Children's Imagination -

Political Correctness is killing this country and our children are the ones that are suffering the most. The imagination of children are what bring the futures they desire. Kids can't play tag, can't play dodge ball, can't use their imaginations; what is to come of their futures if they are not allowed to use those imaginations? As parents it is our jobs to protect our children, that also includes their imaginations.

Liberals Defy The Law Of Reality...Start An All Out ATTACK On Our Children's Imagination -

PHOTO: Islamic Immigrants Hang Chilling Message About Children Over Freeway... They MUST Be Stopped

The sign reads “Your children will pray to Allah or die”. This sign is hanging in Sindelfingen, Germany by refugees. 
WAKE UP AMERICA!! If we allow Obama to bring these people to America this will be our reality. The bringing of refugees should be something the people vote on, not an Executive Order from our dictator! 

PHOTO: Islamic Immigrants Hang Chilling Message About Children Over Freeway... They MUST Be Stopped

Evangelist Billy Graham Just Issued A Scary Warning To Every Church In America

"Make sure of your relationship with God,” he wrote. “Even though most Americans see the storm clouds gathering on the horizon, by and large we are making few preparations to meet God. This is a time for repentance and faith. It is a time for soul-searching, to see if our anchor holds.”

Evangelist Billy Graham Just Issued A Scary Warning To Every Church In America

Monday, November 09, 2015

30 Days of Thankfulness Day 9

30 Days of Thankfulness:
Day 9: I'm thankful for waking up without a headache this morning. I know most of you don't think that's a big a deal but this condition rules most of my life. These days have come few and far between the last few months, so yes I am thankful for pain free morning.‪#‎IIH‬ ‪#‎PsuedoTumorCerebri‬

Future Self

Whatever is right for you! For me its sticking to eating right, working out, and yoga. I want to look back on today, no I did it, made it to my goal weight and a nonsmoker. ‪#‎healthierme‬ ‪#‎neverquit‬ ‪#‎staystrong‬ ‪#‎nevergiveup‬

Moms Demand Action Claims Teaching Gun Safety Is "Atrocious"

I grew up in a home with every kind of gun you can think of. However I did not need a class at school to teach me gun safety, my family taught us. We knew how to clean, load, and handle guns with RESPECT! I have also done the same for my own children. I think the class at school is good idea since teaching a child like I was taught is so frowned upon now. Kids should learn RESPECT for firearms, whether by a school or the parent, either way as long as the children are being taught, it's a good thing.

Moms Demand Action Claims Teaching Gun Safety Is "Atrocious"

Sunday, November 08, 2015

Black Missouri Football Players Boycotting Team Activities Until School President Leaves Office; Student on 6th Day of Hunger Strike Over Racism Issues |

The allegations made by the schools minorities should be investigated and proper action taken to ensure their safety as well as punishment to those who discriminate or show racism including staff.
However, the football players are there on scholarships, therefore their promise to attend this school and promise to the football or other sports programs cannot be ignored. If they cannot hold their promises to their team then their scholarships should be revoked!
I also would like to add; It is a shame that racism is still an issue in this century! Our scarred history continues with people that still they are better than others or others feel they are owed something (not saying this students feel this way). No one alive today owned slaves or were slaves. No one owes anyone anything except common courtesy, respect, and the right to live without prejudices. Our government is pitting us against each other to occupy us while they do what they want. 

Black Missouri Football Players Boycotting Team Activities Until School President Leaves Office; Student on 6th Day of Hunger Strike Over Racism Issues |

Airing The Grievances That Offend Americans ⋆ Dc Gazette

I agree with the offenses in this piece. We as Americans, all have a freedom of speech, freedom of liberty and freedom of pursuit of happiness. Seems that freedom of speech is now only allowed to those that find offense in the "Common" American ways or offense to what they seem to think is owed to them. People have become so overly sensitive and overly offended that the demand of Political Correctness is crushing the freedoms of others. Just because you do not agree with someone does not give you the right to stifle their freedoms! Get over yourselves! You are in America and if American values, customs, or rights offends you then go some where else. No one is forcing your offended, soft skinned, overly sensitive, butt hurts to stay here!

Airing The Grievances That Offend Americans ⋆ Dc Gazette

Illegal immigrants release 'Bill of Rights' - Washington Times

1.“Acknowledgement that we are already here, that we are human beings with a right to be, that our mere presence cannot be deemed illegal or our existence alien.” 
Only if the immigrant is on the path of legalization based on the laws of becoming a citizen. They do not have a criminal record.
2. The second in the list demands that illegal immigrants be treated with dignity and respect.  
Again, be on the path of citizenship by which is already outlined by law. Respect goes both ways; Stop expecting America to make changes to suit you , time to assimilate. Also no criminal record.
3.  “Recognition of our right to be presented with a path to citizenship/residency as the first priority of future immigration policy combined with interim deferment of all law-abiding Undocumented Americans against detention and deportation.” 
Again, stop jumping the border and come to this country LEGALLY and be on the law stated path to citizenship. No criminal record.
4.  The fourth “right” demands US birth certificates for illegal immigrants’ children born in the US.
Only if the parents are seeking law stated path of citizenship and the parents do not have a criminal record. These children cannot help what their parents have done however if becoming citizens is so important abide by the laws of all citizens have to abide.
5.  “Protection against cruel and unusual punishment, including the separation of our immediate families and incarceration without charges, hearings, or representation.”
Again be on the part of law stated citizenship and have no criminal record.
6.  In the sixth “right,” they demand access to free US public education and also in-state tuition rates for public colleges and universities.
Yes access to public education just like all citizens have but you have to be a legal resident of a state to get in-state tuition (become a citizen and be resident of the state of desired higher education). However, all processes American citizens must go through to ensure higher education they must do so as well.
7.  “guarantee of wage equality” for illegal immigrants.
Become or be in the process of becoming a citizen is the only guarantee of wage equality.
8. “right” to humanitarian treatment, including medical care.  
After becoming a citizen or show proof of processing such, they have the right as all other Americans, to battle through Obamacare like everyone else.
9.  illegal immigrants should not be deported after reporting crimes.
The one committing the crime will have to face deportation but to report a crime does not warrant deportation as long as the citizenship process has begun. 
10.  illegal immigrants should be ensured by the US government of the Declaration of Independence’s rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Only if the citizenship process stated by law has started, no crimes have been committed since entering the country.
I believe there is a peaceful way for this issue to be resolved. Since most illegals do have children born here and are citizens, the parents have 6 months from the date of which agreement has been established to start citizenship process. No one with a criminal record inside of the US or in other data bases will be granted citizenship and will be deported. Also all that have come here must assimilate; learn to speak english, abide by all local, state and federal laws and put no other doctrine above the US Constitution (more about immigrants from the Middle East). Also after this issue is resolved only people coming to the country legally will be granted citizenship, anyone after will be deported and must wait 7 years before legal entry and citizenship will be granted.

Illegal immigrants release 'Bill of Rights' - Washington Times

Star Spangled Banner

This shouldn't even be a discussion! Nothing about our country should change! People need to stop worrying about the feelings of the overly sensitive and overly offended. If anything about America offends them then they need to find another country to go to. Everyone has free speech, even if another doesn't like what you are saying it doesn't give them the right to try and censor you or anyone else! Stop allowing those who are offended by America to continue to run over Americans!

Start With Who's in the Mirror

Unbelievable ! A Russian Laboratory has invented a way to remove the black Skin layer of black People - EVERYTHING for Your Health

This is horrid! God made us all different for a reason! The only thing Russia wants is to "level" the diversity. Anything that changes a person to this degree is only produced to make people feel inferior. Everyone is beautiful in the eyes of God, don't let anyone tell you any different!

Unbelievable ! A Russian Laboratory has invented a way to remove the black Skin layer of black People - EVERYTHING for Your Health

America Unite

Crazy Pills

Is It Good For America?

The Constitution vs Sharia Law