Saturday, December 12, 2015

Daily Devotional by Joyce Meyer

You Can Depend on God

by Joyce Meyer - posted December 12, 2015

Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.
—1 Peter 5:7
God is always present in our lives—waiting to take over the heavy burdens we have if we will release them to Him. Like any loving father, He wants to help us handle our affairs just because He loves and cares for us. If we want to experience the peace that God desires for each of us, we must learn to cast ourselves and our cares completely into His hands…permanently.

Friday, December 11, 2015

In Progressive Land

Three Stages of Jihad

3 Stages of Jihad. Inform yourselves!
Three Stages of Jihad:
The Moderate Muslim:
Islam Is Not a Race:

Daily Devotional by Joyce Meyer

Set Your Mind Ahead of Time

by Joyce Meyer - posted December 11, 2015

If then you have been raised with Christ [to a new life, thus sharing His resurrection from the dead], aim at and seek the [rich, eternal treasures] that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. And set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth. 
—Colossians 3:1-2
Colossians 3:2 tells us to set our minds and keep them set. To “set your mind” means you make a firm decision about how to handle a situation and you keep your mind set in that direction. It means to be single-minded, not double-minded. We can prepare ourselves to handle a difficult situation properly by setting our minds ahead of time—telling ourselves no matter what comes, we can do it. If you’re in a less than desirable situation, but you know it is where God wants you to be, don’t drift off into thinking that can weaken you. Instead, think, I am strong in Christ, and I can do whatever He leads me to do.
Power Thought: I set my mind and keep it set for victory

Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Obama: Disarming AMERICAN CITIZENS Best Way To Combat Islamic Terrorism | 800 Whistleblower

It's a set up. Disarm the Americans + move all the Muslims in = Take over! WAKE UP PEOPLE. We are being invaded and anyone that speaks against it is called a terrorist and the ones that are actual terrorist are just misunderstood. If we are going to make it through the rest of Obamajoke's presidency, we have to stop the division, unite and stand together. Read the Constitution, our forefathers warned us and gave instructions to handle this!

Obama: Disarming AMERICAN CITIZENS Best Way To Combat Islamic Terrorism | 800 Whistleblower

Joyce Meyer Daily Devontional

Honor God’s Voice Above All
by Joyce Meyer - posted December 08, 2015

[Most] blessed is the man who believes in, trusts in, and relies on the Lord, and whose hope and confidence the Lord is. 
—Jeremiah 17:7
One attitude that welcomes the presence of God into our lives is the attitude that honors Him above everyone and everything else. Our attitudes need to say, God, no matter what anyone else tells me, no matter what I think myself, no matter what my own plan is, if I clearly hear You say something and I know it’s You, I will honor You—and honor what You say—above everything else.
Sometimes we give more consideration to what people tell us than to what God says. If we pray diligently and hear from God, and then start asking people around us what they think, we honor their human opinions above God’s. Such an attitude will prevent our being able to consistently hear God’s voice. If we are ever going to develop an ability to hear from God and be led by His Spirit as a way of life, we have to stop listening to so many opinions from so many people and begin trusting the wisdom God deposits in our hearts. There is a time to receive good counsel, but needing the approval of people will keep us out of the will of God.

Monday, December 07, 2015

Liberal Media/NY Daily News Proclaims One Terrorist Attack Victim Deserved To Die! » Daily headlines

I am not usually shocked by what the left comes up with anymore but this... this is above and beyond! The difference between them is this Thalasinos didn't pull out gun and start shooting people! I am so sick of the left accusing conservatives of "egging" on the like of Farook! Maybe they "Muslims" should get thicker skin! This country, America, has freedom of speech! Muslims have a problem with that and so does the left when the speech is not aligned with their warped ideals! GET A LIFE AND GET OVER IT! We have a right to our opinions regardless who doesn't like it. And that doesn't mean we are provoking anyone. People take responsibility of your actions and stop blaming people you don't agree with!

Liberal Media/NY Daily News Proclaims One Terrorist Attack Victim Deserved To Die! » Daily headlines

BREAKING: Calif. Families Horrified After Kerry Uses Sick 1-Word Description of Terrorists...

A “nuisance”? Flies are a nuisance, ants are a nuisance, my kids not following curfew is a nuisance. Our government thinks we are not at war on our homeland that's a disgrace! Kerry and Obama defending Islam/Muslims is treasonous! Watch this video "The Three Stages Of Jihad" and figure out what stage our country is in.

BREAKING: Calif. Families Horrified After Kerry Uses Sick 1-Word Description of Terrorists...