Friday, December 18, 2015

Daily Devotional by Joyce Meyer

Let God Lead You to Life

by Joyce Meyer - posted December 18, 2015

I have set before you life and death, the blessings and the curses; therefore choose life. 
—Deuteronomy 30:19
In John 16:8, Jesus said the Holy Spirit would "convict and convince" the world about sin and righteousness. He didn't say anything about the Holy Spirit bringing condemnation. He said He brings "demonstration . . . about sin and about righteousness." The Holy Spirit reveals the results of sin and the results of righteousness so people may understand which path to follow. He makes clear distinction between right and wrong, between blessings and curses, between life and death so people can ask God to help them choose life.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Daily Devotional by Joyce Meyer

Pray for the Right Friends

by Joyce Meyer - posted December 17, 2015

Don't link up with those who will pollute you.
—2 Corinthians 6:17 (The Message)
True friends don't try to control you—they help you be what God wants you to be. Put your faith in God, and ask Him to give you friends who are truly right for you. Perhaps you never thought of using your faith for right friends, but God offers us a new way to live. He invites us to live by faith. There is no part of your life God is not concerned about, and He wants to be involved in everything you want, need, or do.
I cannot make myself acceptable to all people, and neither can you, but we can believe that God will give us favor with the people He wants us involved with. Sometimes we try to have relationships with people God does not even want us to be associated with. Some of the people I really worked hard to be friends with in the past, often compromising my own conscience in order to gain their acceptance, were the very ones who rejected me the first time I didn't do exactly as they wanted me to. I realize now I wanted their friendship for wrong reasons. I was insecure and wanted to be friends with the "popular" people, thinking my association with important people would make me important.
We should put our faith in the Lord to help us choose right friends, as well as everything else that concerns us.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Daily Devotional by Joyce Meyer

The Standby

by Joyce Meyer - posted December 14, 2015

But the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf ], He will teach you all things
—John 14:26
As the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit has a personality. He can be offended and grieved and He must be treated with great respect. Once you have the understanding that He lives inside those who believe, you should do everything you can to make him feel welcome. The Holy Spirit is a Gentleman. He will not push His way into your daily affairs. If given an invitation, He is quick to respond, but He must be invited.
The Holy Spirit is always available. The Amplified Bible calls Him the Standby. That is a wonderful description! Think of Him ready and waiting at all times in case you need anything at all. Every single day, no matter what you may face the Holy Spirit is standing by you. Invite him to get involved in everything you do

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Daily Devotional by Joyce Meyer

Follow Jesus

by Joyce Meyer - posted December 13, 2015

All who keep His commandments [who obey His orders and follow His plan, live and continue to live, to stay and] abide in Him, and He in them. [They let Christ be a home to them and they are the home of Christ.] 
—1 John 3:24
Some people wanted to follow Jesus, but they were afraid they would be put out of the synagogue (see John 12:42). Some people are still afraid to follow the Lord because they might be put out of their family, their group, or even their church.
Eventually there will only be one Person to face—God. You won’t want Him to say, “I had so much for you, but you didn’t receive it because you were too concerned about what people thought; you were a people-pleaser.” Jesus wasn’t swayed by men’s opinions, threats, judgments, or criticisms. Follow Jesus, and enjoy life.

Little Boy Terrified After Looking Inside Neighbor's Garage

When did it become legal to peep in other people’s property? Isn’t this trespassing? The homeowner, a police officer, didn’t have any suspicious activity and the flag was hanging in his garage (I would prefer it hang from the front porch). 
This whole, in the wake of California, and if the neighbors would have reported their APPARENT suspicious activity, there may have been a different outcome. But this police officer hadn’t given his neighbors any reason to suspect suspicious activity. And hanging a Confederate Flag in a garage IS NOT SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY, but peeping in other people’s property is. 
Stop this crazy political correctness that is KILLING our FREEDOMS as individuals! They are a gay couple with a black son, so of course the Confederate Flag must have made them feel threatened (soaked with sarcasm). 
Charge the family with trespassing and peeping! Stop finding ways to be offended and let other people live their lives especially if they aren’t hurting anyone!

Little Boy Terrified After Looking Inside Neighbor's Garage