Saturday, November 21, 2015

Undefeated team of inner-city kids denied trip to Disney World | New York Post

Undefeated team of inner-city kids denied trip to Disney World | New York Post

After a 11-0 season the West Philadelphia Tarheels Mitey-Mites football team, thought they were going to Disney World for winning the Mitey-Mites Superbowl. However, the league doesn't see it that way. The league is doing a raffle to determine which team goes to Disney World. I feel so sorry for these kids that worked and played so hard are getting thrown from their rightful reward because a group of idiot adults don't believe in rewarding hard work. SMH!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Common Sense Reason to not Allow Refugees into US

Obama said:
"Apparently, they are scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America," the president said. "At first they were too scared of the press being too tough on them in the debates. Now they are scared of 3-year-old orphans. That doesn't seem so tough to me."

My response:
The democrats keep screaming the only reason we’re against bringing refugees here is about religion. I admit that is part of it along with most of these people were raised to hate us. The safety of our homes, our families, should be every American’s first and foremost concern. However there is another reason I’m against bringing refugees here and this has nothing directed directly toward the refugees. It’s about where we are as a country at the present moment. I don’t know statistics but I do have common sense. We have veterans men and women that have given their bodies, their minds and, too many, their lives to the protection of our country. Oh and we could argue about the fighting and the wars but that’s not a soldiers’ fault, the soldiers do what they are ordered, whole other debate. These men and women are fighting a whole other war when they return home; their healthcare, their recovery from how the fighting affected them; mind and body. Many are living on the streets. I’m so ashamed of a country that cares more about another country’s issues than our own. We are not the world’s police nor are we responsible for rescuing. Our government has succeeded turning us against each other, succeeded in making our police officers an enemy and succeeded in harping so hard on political correctness that it’s made everything offensive. Grown up, put down the sippy cups and act like an adult with some COMMON SENSE! We have to save ourselves before we can save anyone else.

Gilbert High School Talent Show (Allen McCormick Performance)

My son Allen's cover of I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz. So proud of him!

FBI Counterterrorism Expert has a HUGE Message for Americans about ISIS...

FBI Counterterrorism Expert has a HUGE Message for Americans about ISIS...

“Don’t wait for Uncle Sam to protect you,” Gorka said.
“Every American has a duty and responsibility to be aware of the threat and be prepared to protect themselves.”
According to Gorka, ISIS is among us. There were 82 ISIS suspects arrested in America in a 20 month period. Gorka also mentioned FBI director James Comey had warned there are up to 900 ISIS-related investigations in all 50 states.

Muslim databases and 'rabid dogs': Trump, Carson and GOP in explosion of rhetoric over Syrians | US news | The Guardian

Muslim databases and 'rabid dogs': Trump, Carson and GOP in explosion of rhetoric over Syrians | US news | The Guardian

I like the way people assume the American people can't make decisions on their own. I don't need a politician to tell me the refugees are a BAD idea and I thought that before the attack on Paris. Some of my views are with the fact that the religion is not a religion of peace, that they hate us (remember death to America) but my main reason; we have our own we can't take care. So are the lives of refugees more important than the Veterans that have fought for this country? We have children in the system living in foster homes just for a pay check for the caregiver. We homelessness. How can we help ANYONE when we can barely help ourselves. But to hear it said the liberals, the far left, the socialists, think we are unAmerican because we want to take care of those in this country that can't do for themselves; vets, children, our elderly. But you go ahead spewing that crap if it makes you feel better!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Could the government shut down over refugees? -

Could the government shut down over refugees? -

Our president seems to be blaming the US for the crisis in Syria. To listen to this speech he seems to be doing the "shame on you". The Governors that have said no to refugees are listening to the people of their states, they do not act alone as our president does. I'm not saying no to an orphan or asking them to put through a religion test, I'm saying no because we can't even take care of our own; veterans, orphans, homeless, but we can afford to take in more mouths to feed. Obama you need to pick your battles stop trying to shove everyone in the world into our country on the taxpayer's dime! You seem to have forgotten who you work for, the people, not the Syrians, not yourself, not even the people in Washington, but the American people.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

[WATCH] Fox News Anchor Tears Into "Political Extremists" Who Oppose "Refugees" » Daily headlines

[WATCH] Fox News Anchor Tears Into "Political Extremists" Who Oppose "Refugees" » Daily headlines

Well he can let them come live in house too. This isn't changing who we are it is protecting who we are. Why should put the lives of our children, our neighbors, our loved ones at risk to bring unknowns here when we can't even take care of our own veterans, foster children, and other homeless? I am so sick of hearing how unAmerican we are being by denying these so called refugees into our country. I'm sure Paris isn't offering open arms to these refugees anymore. So do we need to learn the lesson here ourselves or learn from what other countries are going through as result to these refugees. I don't give 2 cents what it makes us look like to the rest of world, I care about my fellow Americans, my neighbors, my children, my loved ones! WAKE UP PEOPLE!

BREAKING: State Police Demand That Residents Turn in Their Guns | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

BREAKING: State Police Demand That Residents Turn in Their Guns | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

All I can do is SMH! Some people are so, I don't want to say dumb but hey if the shoe fits. I will not give up my guns, they can come take them from my dead cold hands! In the direction this country is going THE PEOPLE need to protect every right the father's of this country put forth. WAKE UP PEOPLE! Stop being so gullible! Guns themselves DO NOT kill people! Just like cars don't cause wrecks. I guess we should do away with cars because idiots drinking and driving. SMH!

Enough is Enough

VIDEO: This Video on Muslim "Refugees" Got 1.5 MILLION Views Then YouTube Banned It...

I feel sorry for the countries the refugees are overtaking, because that's what's happening. But I don't feel sorry enough to be ok with them being brought here. These are not refugees, these are soldiers. Mostly what is seen are soldier aged men not women and children. This country is going to have to stand up to the Muslim loving joke of a president to stop him from destroying our country the way Europe is being destroyed. The difference between us and them, our country has a right to bear arms. This won't happen here, a war will!

VIDEO: This Video on Muslim "Refugees" Got 1.5 MILLION Views Then YouTube Banned It...

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Marijuana is medicine, Journal of the American Medical Association concludes - Smell the Truth

But DEA Chief claims there is no medical uses for marijuana.

Marijuana is medicine, Journal of the American Medical Association concludes - Smell the Truth

Not Responsible!!

It's Past Time

How Stupid Are We?

The Real Criminal

A very questionable response to the attacks in Paris - The Washington Post

” A piece published in The New American, a conservative magazine, meanwhile, suggested that the attack should serve as a lesson to those living in the United States. "Americans should take note: Next time politicians and the media seek to infringe on the right to keep and bear arms, remember Paris," it said.” 
Americans aren’t the only ones thinking if Paris had a right to bear arms might have saved lives. And it’s not just Americans turning this into a debate over gun laws.
Marine Le Pen, the leader of France's extreme-right National Front party is also calling for France to re-arm.
Paris Terrorist Attacks: Right-Wing Marine Le Pen Reacts, Has Been Riding Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric As Election Approaches 
Read all about her and her reaction to the terrorist attacks on Paris:

A very questionable response to the attacks in Paris - The Washington Post

Obama Proud His Creation, Illegal Alien Infestation Is Too Big, Would Look Bad To Fix - Lectures Us On "Being American" ⋆ UFP NEWS

He also employs the tactic of using a fear of global negative publicity as a deterrent, saying, “Imagine he images on the screen, flashed around the world as we were dragging parents away from their children and putting them in detention centers and then systematically sending them out. Nobody thinks that that is realistic but more importantly that’s not who we are as Americans.”
He has the nerve to even insinuate who we are as Americans! He has no idea what it means to be an American or what the American people think, feel or care about. His smug demeanor, love of Muslims, and the throwing of Americans under the bus, already has “global negative publicity” of the United States.

Obama Proud His Creation, Illegal Alien Infestation Is Too Big, Would Look Bad To Fix - Lectures Us On "Being American" ⋆ UFP NEWS

BREAKING: Obama Speaks Of Paris Attacks... But It's What He DOESN'T Say That's Terrifying

“If our president cannot bring himself to call it what it is, he surely won’t protect us from it. However, he fights to protect Muslims wherever they might be targets.

He’s a joke along with the rest of the democratic party, liberals, people screaming we’re islamophobes, and anyone else that still thinks Islam is a religion of peace.

BREAKING: Obama Speaks Of Paris Attacks... But It's What He DOESN'T Say That's Terrifying

Men Traumatized After Walking Into Strange Scene At Wrong House

“ Neighbors who were home at the time of the invasion, called police when they heard gunshots, only to be stunned more that it was a young kid who pulled the trigger. A couple who had been sitting on their porch when the crime took place, seemed to blame the boy for shooting so much in self-defense. But his mom is proud of him for being brave enough to follow through.” 
Of course there’s neighbors blaming the boy for shooting so much in self-defense. A 13 year old kid is reacting in fear and did exactly as he should have. This mother should be proud of her child!
People STOP blaming those protecting themselves against thugs out to hurt them!

Men Traumatized After Walking Into Strange Scene At Wrong House